Javier Arévalo (Guadalajara, Jal. 1937). He studied visual arts and in 1951 he moved to the Academy of San Carlos. For more than 36 years the artist has taught classes not only in Mexico, but in other countries. His work he has received countless recognitions such as the Annual Salon of the Mexican Plastics Award in 1969, the Engraving Award at the Tokyo Biennial in 1970, the Jalisco Arts Award in 2000, Honorable Mention in the First Pictorial Festival of Acapulco (1962). National Painting Prize in Guadalajara, Jal. (1966). Acquisition Award, Annual Salon of the Mexican Plastics, Mexico, D.F. (1969).
His work has been shown in important spaces such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museum of Modern Art in Switzerland and the Museum of Modern Art in Tel Aviv, Israel. My name is “De todas formas … Javier Arévalo” at José Luis Cuevas Museum, Mexico, D.F. (2000). Tribute to Gunther Gerzso, López Quiroga Gallery, Mexico, D.F. (2001) and Cabezas de cabeza, Watercolors and oil paintings by Javier Arévalo, IFAL, México, D.F. (2001).