Sabrina Villaseñor (Chicago). Visual artist who with a continuous search of her cultural inheritance, appropriates the prehispanic language to capture figures, symbols and forms, thus developing a contemporary proposal. Using various materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, amate, henequen cord, acrylics, oils, inks and others, presents images that allow an approach to the past.
She studied Industrial Design at the Universidad Iberoamericana y Artes plásticas at the Surikov Institute in Moscow. Has taken several painting, drawing and design workshops at ELISAVA Barcelona, Spain. In the Academy of Fine Arts, Museum of Modern Art and San Ildefonso, Mexico, D.F. Her work has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Mexico City, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Zacatecas, as well as abroad: “Agora Gallery” Soho, NY. Art Walk Festival at the Mexican consulate in San Diego, CA. BCE Building, Toronto, Canada. Individually: “hidden feelings” El Reloj Gallery, Polanco, Mexico D.F. “Vestigio”, Contemporary Art Gallery. “Previousity”, in the Tallera Siqueiros Museum in Cuernavaca, Morelos.
And the most recent “Ancestral Dialogues” at Fundación Sebastián and the Rosario Castellanos Economic Culture Fund Gallery. “Embodiment” at Glendon Gallery, York University. “Private”, North York. “Surfaces” at 360 degrees Gallery, Toronto, Canada. His pieces have been selected to be part of interesting publications dedicated to Mexico and its art as: Voices of Mexico, periodical magazine of the UNAM. Anfora Nova, Córdoba, Spain. México Sobre Muros, Directory of the Visual Arts, and in specialized publications such as Artis Spectrum NY, USA. Personae Magazine, Arte Al Día, and others of general interest such as Farenheit, Vertigo and Mexican Archeology. In 1993 she obtained the First Place in the national contest of Poster of the 13th. International Film Festival of the National Cinematheque of Mexico D.F.