
Sebastian (Chihuahua 1947). With a constructive vocation, since the mid-1960s he began developing his sculptural language, supporting his work with scientific disciplines such as mathematics and geometry, approaching topology and crystallography. Sebastian’s work is generated at the time when artistic tendencies such as scientism, minimalism, op-art, pop-art, etc. originate. It is distinguished from other artists by the geometric shape that it prints on its sculptures. Its production mainly includes monumental urban sculpture, which also expands in various formats (small and medium). As well as architectural design, painting, object design, furniture, public art, jewelry, theatrical costume design, scenography, multimedia shows, etc.

He currently combines his research and teaching activities between the National Autonomous University of Mexico where he serves as a full-time researcher and with the Technological Institute of Monterrey in Mexico City, where he teaches Chair of Sculpture Workshop and of Visualization and Multimedia.

He has made more than 120 individual exhibitions in Mexico, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, England, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Canada, Finland, USA, France, Japan, Switzerland and Venezuela. His works can be found in various places, “Caballito” in Mexico City and other cities such as Monterrey, Tabasco, Michoacán, Colima, Chiapas, Buenos Aires, Havana, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Albuquerque, Denver, NY, Bern , Reikavik, Hakone, Nagoya and Osaka.

Awards and recognition: He is a member of the World Arts Forum Council based in the city of Geneva, Switzerland. Win the “Superior Prize” awarded to him by the Hakone Open Air Museum of Japan within the Contest in Homage to Henry Moore; the Bronze Award of the ABC Ashi Broadcasting Corporation of Osaka; the Jury Prize of the Norwegian Graphic International Triennial, the Golden Grand Prize of the ORC-City competition also from Osaka and, in the field of painting, the Mainichi Prize of the Painting Triennial of the same Japanese city.

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